17 days Bird and Wildlife-Rwanda and Uganda Bird watching Safari ~ Safari Gorilla Trekking

Friday 18 September 2015

Out Line of the Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival for Rwanda and Uganda Bird watching Safari
Day 2: Birdwatching Nyungwe Forest Reserve of Rwanda – Rwanda Birding
Day 3: Whole Day Birding Nyungwe Forest in Rwanda
Day 4: Birding From Nyungwe to Volcanoes National Park for Mountain Gorilla Trekking and some bird species
Day 5: Rwanda Gorilla trekking- Volcanoes NP
Day 6: Birdwatching to Queen Elizabeth National Park
Day 7: Birding Uganda Queen Elizabeth National Park
Day 8: Birding Tour to Kibale Forest
Days 9: Kibale Forest Chimpanzee Tracking – Uganda Trekking Tours
Day 10: Birding Kibale National Park- Uganda Rwanda Birdwatching
Day 11: Bird Watching to Masindi
Day 12: Whole Day Birding Budongo Forest – Bird Uganda
Day 13: Birding Tour of Budongo Forest and Kaniyo Pabidi – Uganda Bird Safari
Day 14: Birding Journey to Murchison Falls National Park of Uganda
Day 15: Murchison Fall National Park Birdwatching adventure
Day 16: Murchison Falls NP to Entebbe for the last night
Day 17: End of Uganda and Rwanda Birding Tour – Departure

Detailed Itinerary

17 days Bird and Wildlife-Rwanda and Uganda Bird watching Safari
Day 1: Arrival for Rwanda and Uganda Bird watching Safari
Arrival for Tour and transfer to Nyungwe Forest National Park
Overnight at Nyungwe Forest Lodge | Gisakura Guest House (Full Board)

Day 2: Birdwatching Nyungwe Forest Reserve of Rwanda – Rwanda Birding
Nyungwe forest is situated in south-west Rwanda between Lake Kivu and the international border with Burundi. Nyungwe is divided north–south by a line of mountains that reach 2,600–2,900 m and which form part of the Congo–Nile watershed. As a result, Nyungwe is composed of two areas differing in pedology, vegetation, water-flow and biodiversity.
This wonderful birding area lies west of Butare, with the Butare to Cyangugu road passing straight through the middle, providing excellent roadside birding. A total of 275 species have been recorded in Nyungwe, reflecting the wide habitat diversity and altitudinal range. These include, all the 25 species of the Albertine Rift mountains Endemic Bird Area that occur in Rwanda, Chapin’s Flycatcher and Rockefeller’s Sunbird (both globally threatened, restricted-range and biome-restricted). In addition, 11 of the 23 species of the Guinea–Congo Forests biome and 71 of the 74 species of this biome of Afrotropical Highlands that occur in Rwanda have been recorded at this site. Generally, Nyungwe is certainly the most important forest for the conservation of montane birds in the region.
We have an early morning breakfast then set out to Uwinka for the Albertine Rrift endemic birds search. Among the many we look out for, include; Kivu Ground-Thrushm, White-tailed Blue-flycatcher, Red-chested, SunbirdRegal Sunbird, Rockefeller’s Sunbird, Miombo Rock-Thrush, Mountain Masked Apalis, Black-faced Apalis, Chestnut-throated Apalis, Collared Apalis, Grauer’s Warbler, few Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Stripe-breasted Tit, Purple-breasted Sunbird, Red- throated Alethe, Archer’s Robin-Chat, Ruwenzori Turaco, Great Blue Turaco, Handsome Francolin, White-headed Wood-hoopoe, Olive Woodpecker, Mountain Greenbul, Rwenzori Hill-babbler, Cinnamon Bracken Warbler, Mountain Yellow Warbler, Northern Puffback, White-starred Robin, Rwenzori Double-collared Sunbird, Dusky Crimsonwing, Thick-billed Seedeater, Streaky Seedeater, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Variable Sunbird, Waller's Starling, White-bellied Crested Flycatcher, Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird, just to mention but a few.
Overnight at Nyungwe Forest Lodge | Gisakura Guest House (Full Board)

Day 3: Whole Day Birding Nyungwe Forest in Rwanda
We look for species probably missed the previous day, we hope to tick-off Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Mountain Sooty Boubou, Rwenzori Batis, Blue-headed Sunbird, Sharpe's Starling, White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, Evergreen Forest Warbler, Dusky Tit, Doherty's Bush-shrike, Siffling Cisticola, Bronze Mannikin, Golden-breasted Bunting, Neumann's Warbler, Red-throated Alethe, Mountain Wagtail, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Equatorial Akalat, Black Cuckoo, Kungwe Apalis, White-bellied Robin-chat, and many more. We try our luck and listen out at night fall for the Rwenzori Nightjar (a nocturnal species), Albertine Owlet and Red-chested Owlet.
Overnight at Nyungwe Forest Lodge | Gisakura Guest House (Full Board)

Day 4: Birding From Nyungwe to Volcanoes National Park for Mountain Gorilla Trekking and some bird species
Overnight at Mountain Gorilla View Lodge | Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge (Full Board)
Day 5: Rwanda Gorilla trekking- Volcanoes NP
[rwanda gorilla tracking] The main activity today will be Mountain Gorilla Tracking. Mountain gorillas are the largest living primates and the world's most endangered apes with an estimated population of less than 800 left in the wild of the whole world and none in zoos. The Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei), was not yet known to scientist until 1902. They are the next closest living relatives to human beings after the two chimpanzee species, sharing 97% DNA with us.
After Gorilla Tracking, return to the hotel and pack then transfer to Uganda for an overnight in Kabale

Day 6: Birdwatching to Queen Elizabeth National Park
Today we head to Queen Elizabeth National Park; this is Uganda’s most popular game reserve and certainly one of the most scenic. It stretches from the crater dotted foothills of the Rwenzori ranges in the north, along the shores of Lake Edward to the remote Ishasha River in the south, incorporating a wide variety of habitats that range from open Savannah to rainforest, dense papyrus swamps and brooding crater lakes to the vastness of Lake George. These qualify it a little wonder that is the highest biodiversity conservation reserve in the world
Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge | Simba Safari Camp (Full Board)

Day 7: Birding Uganda Queen Elizabeth National Park
Early in the Morning we go birding for a game drive for more Savanna Species and in the afternoon we take the famous remarkable launch cruise on Kazinga Channel for waterfowl like the Great White and Pink-backed Pelicans, African Skimmer, Yellow-billed and the Saddle- billed storks, African Wattled Lapwing, Long-toed Lapwing, Black-winged Stilt, Water Thick-knee, Collared Pratincole, the Grey-headed, Black-headed and Slender-billed Gulls, Grebes, Ducks and many more.
Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge | Simba Safari Camp (Full Board)

Day 8: Birding Tour to Kibale Forest
After an early morning breakfast, set off for Kibale Forest National Park, along the way expect to see; the Fan-tailed Widowbird, Yellow-mantled Widowbird, the Black and Black-winged Red Bishops, the African Palm and Little Swifts, Common Bulbul, Doves, Pigeons, the Lesser-stripped and Angola Swallows among others.
Overnight at Ndali Safari Lodge | Kibale Forest Camp (Full Board)
Days 9: Kibale Forest Chimpanzee Tracking – Uganda Trekking Tours
[rwanda chimpanzee tours] The common Chimpanzee the species found here. Chimps are man’s closest relatives in the primate world; over 600 hundred of them are home at Kibale Forest. The tracking activity starts at 0800 as you report at the ranger station for briefing.A variety of primates and other wildlife will be available for your view in the forest.
Overnight at Ndali Safari Lodge | Kibale Forest Camp (Full Board)
Day 10:  Birding Kibale National Park- Uganda Rwanda Birdwatching
We head to the forest early in the morning for Green-breasted Pitta other species will include; Brown Illadopsis, Brown-capped Weaver, Brown-chested Alethe, Black-headed Oriole, African Emerald Cuckoo, African Green-pigeon, Black-crowned Tchagra, African Wood Owl, African/Rwenzori/Abyssinian Hill-Babbler, Alpine Swift, Ashy Flycatcher, Barn Swallow, Black Bee-eater, Black Cuckoo, Black Cuckoo-shrike, Black-and-white Casqued Hornbill, Black-and-white Mannikin, Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher, Black-billed Turaco, Black-billed Weaver, Black-faced Rufous Warbler, African Dusky Flycatcher, Black-headed Weaver, Black-necked Weaver, African/Western Citril, Black-throated Apalis, Blue-shouldered Robin-chat, Blue-throated Brown Sunbird, Blue-throated Roller, African Blue Flycatcher, Bocage' Bush-shrike, Bronze Mannikin, Zebra Waxbill, Bronze Sunbird, and many more.
Overnight at Ndali Safari Lodge | Kibale Forest Camp (Full Board)

Day 11: Bird Watching to Masindi
Today, we bird to Masindi the gateway to Budongo Forest which has a prolific birdlife with two species of birds confined to it in East Africa: 10 of the 22 species of the Sudan–Guinea Savanna biome and 93 of the 144 species Guinea–Congo Forests biome that occur in Uganda.
Overnight at Masindi Hotel (Full Board)

Day 12: Whole Day Birding Budongo Forest – Bird Uganda Tour
We bird the marvelous Royal mile and several other trails for the whole day. We look for the globally threatened Puvel’s Illadopsis and Nahan’s Francolin other special birds include; the Yellow-billed Barbet, Grey-throated Barbet, Honeyguide Greenbul, Chocolate–backed Kingfisher, White-headed Saw-wing, White Wagtail, Black-eared Ground-Thrush, Little Crake, Chestnut-capped Flycatcher, African Paradise Flycatcher, Chin-spot Batis, Grey-backed Camaroptera, Lemon-bellied Crombec, African Moustached Warbler, Green-backed Eremomela, Yellow-whiskered Greenbul, African Citril, African Golden-breasted Bunting, Black-crowned Waxbill, Bronze Mannikin, Black-billed Bluebill, Black-winged Red Bishop, Yellow-mantled Widowbird, Fan-tailed Widowbird, Spectacled Weaver, Black-necked Weaver, Yellow-backed Weaver, Compact Weaver, Northern Brown-throated Weaver, Holub’s Golden Weaver, Red-headed Weaver, Yellow-billed Oxpecker, Greater Blue-eared Starling, Purple Starling, Purple-headed Starling, Splendid Starling, Northern Puffback, Black-headed Gonolek, Tropical Boubou, Isabelline Shrike, Red-backed Shrike, Lesser Grey Shrike, Western Violet-backed Sunbird and many more.
Overnight at Masindi Hotel (Full Board)

Day 13: Birding Tour of Budongo Forest and Kaniyo Pabidi – Uganda Bird Safari
Overnight at Masindi Hotel (Full Board)

Day 14: Birding Journey to Murchison Falls National Park of Uganda
[rwanda birding safaris] We have breakfast and bird to Murchison Fall National Park. We look out for Yellow-rumped and Yellow-fronted Tinkerbirds, Foxy Cisticola, Black Bishop, the Northern and Black-winged Red Bishops, Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting, Tropical Boubou, the Grey-crowned and Black-crowned Tchagras, Stripped Kingfisher, White-headed Barbet, and many more as we head to the top of the Falls and latter to the Lodge.
Overnight at Paraa Safari Lodge | Red Chilli Rest Camp (Full Board)

Day 15: Murchison Fall National Park Birdwatching adventure
Today, we do Game drive birding in search for, The Giant, Pied, Malachite, Stripped, Chestnut-bellied, Blue-breasted, Woodland and the African Pygmy Kingfishers, House Martin, African Rock Martin, Lesser Stripped Swallow, Ethiopian Swallow, Angola Swallow, Red-rumped Swallow, Rufous-chested Swallow, Nightingale, Rock Thrush, Pied Wheatear, Whinchat, Common Redstart, White-fronted Black Chat, Sooty Chat, Isabelline Wheatear, Common Bulbul, Cameroon Sombre Greenbul, Yellow-throated Greenbul, the Black, White-breasted, and Red-shouldered Cuckoo Shrikes, the Black and Penduline Tits, the Arrow-marked, Black-lored and Brown Babblers, Nubian Woodpecker, Cardinal Woodpecker, Brown-backed Woodpecker, Lesser Honeyguide, Scaly-throated Honeyguide, Black Scimitarbill, Green Wood Hoopoe, a number of Buzzards, Barbets, Rollers, Harriers, Vultures, Eagles, Bee-eaters, Warblers, and so forth.
The afternoon is time for a launch cruise on Victoria Nile for waterfowl among which might include; the elusive Shoebill Stork, Little Grebe, Great White and the Pink-backed Pelicans, Red-knobbed Coot, African Water Rail, Allen’s Gallinule, Black Crake, African Crake, Black-crowned Crane, Southern Pochard, The Egyptian, African Pygmy, and the Spur-winged Gooses, Storks like; the Saddle-billed, Open-billed, Abdim’s, White, Yellow-billed, Marabou, and the Wooly-necked, the Little and Dwarf Bitterns, Night Heron, Black Heron, Goliath Heron, Purple Heron, Green Backed Heron, Common Squacco Heron, Great White Egret, Cormorants, the African and Eurasian Spoonbills, the Lesser Flamingo, Lesser Jacana, African Finfoot, Painted Snipe, Wattled Plover the list is very long.
Overnight at Paraa Safari Lodge | Red Chilli Rest Camp (Full Board)

Day 16: Murchison Falls NP to Entebbe for the last night
Overnight at Traveller's Inn |Laico Lake Victoria Hotel (Full Board)
Day 17: End of Uganda and Rwanda Birding Tour – Departure

Please book this tour now via our 24/7 hot line 
 +256 777 506 126 , +256 704 63 50 44   OR via 
our email info@gorillatourbooking.com. or gorillatourbooking@gmail.com
 We are warmly waiting for you inquiry!
Book a gorilla  safari to Uganda and Rwanda


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